Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mary Ellis's An Amish Family Reunion ~ Reviewed

Mary Ellis
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers (February 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0736944877


During a rumschpringe visit to Niagara Falls, Phoebe Miller meets Eli Riehl, a young man who charms her—and everyone else—with his exceptional storytelling ability. When Phoebe sketches scenes to illustrate one of his tales, Eli encourages her incredible talent, and together they embark on a lofty and unlikely business venture for two young Amish people—writing and illustrating a children’s book.

Eli’s kindness and appeal extend beyond his knack for words to reach inside Phoebe’s heart. But he is an only son with five sisters, and when his father suffers a heart attack, Eli gives up his writing to assume responsibility on the farm. Though willing to abandon his dream of becoming an author, he won’t give up his beloved Phoebe.

Can their love for a good story develop into something that lasts forever, or will Phoebe’s deep-seated fear of desertion stand in their way?


An Amish Family Reunion is basically about just that: a reunion! I’m assuming there is a series that is the basis for this book, which I haven’t read, and I wish I had, as I believe I would have been able to keep up with the characters better. The story, however, centers around Phoebe Miller, a young Amish girl who has a love of painting and drawing. She meets a young Amish man named Eli Riehl, who has a love for telling stories. They decide to team up to write a children’s book together, and throughout the process, end up discovering they have feelings for each other. Throughout the story, we are introduced to Phoebe’s uncle and aunt and their children, who are scattered about. We learn about their lives and struggles, and get to see them come together as a family towards the end.

This was a very good book, however, as I said in the beginning, I wish I had read the books leading up to it, as there were times I had a hard time following all of the characters. But it was fun, and I would recommend it to others!

Reviewed by: Sarah Porter

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