Cool, Calm & Adjusted
Spa Girls series #3
By Kristin Billerbeck
Published by Integrity, October 10, 2006
ISBN 1591453305
Poor Poppy!
She just wants to save the world -- one liver at a time. Poppy didn't take her vow to bring health and well-being to the masses lightly. But the obstacles she faces are bringing her down. Unbelievers, scoffers and meddlers thwart her every move. Her father flakes out and does something totally unexpected.
Dr. Frankenhunk, the handsome plastic surgeon next door, tries all of Poppy's patience and good will. He actually parks his spiffy sports car in front of her organic and peaceful side of their shared office space. The man has nerve; fortunately, she's there to point it out.
Even Lily and Morgan, her spa buddies, won't leave Poppy alone. They actually suggest conversation limits for certain social occasions. A completely maladjusted patient manages to confuse the situation even further. What's a poor-green-goo-for-dinner loving, just-trying-to-make-everyone-healthy-chiropractor to do?
Everything you want Chick-Lit to be, served with a healthy dose of cleverness. Adorable, fluffy fun. I'd love to hang with Poppy. Well, maybe not for dinner.
Reviewed by Kelly Klepfer
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