The Fall of Lucifer
By Wendy Alec
Published by Realms
ISBN: 1591858143
Three Archangels…three brothers…one turned renegade
For eons the love and kinship of three royal angelic brothers—Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer—have echoed through the hallowed halls of the first heaven.
Lucifer, prince regent and eldest brother. Yohovah’s viceroy. Imperial. Brilliant. Passionate. Most adored of heaven. Michael, the warrior—commander of the angelic host. Valiant. Wise and steadfast. Gabriel—the youngest prince. Newly inaugurated. The revelator.
Throughout eternity Lucifer has been heaven’s favored prince. Gifted. Ardent. Devoted. His throne second only to the Most High—until the fateful moment when he is informed about Yehovah’s new innovation. The creation of a new race that is not angelic in nature. A race created of a three-hundred-billion-base DNA sequence that will constitute the human genome code.
A sweeping epic of origins and mysteries, The Fall of Lucifer tells a tale older than the universe itself. Set in opulent palaces and frightening hell worlds, this is a timeless saga of doubt, of demons and angelic warriors, of obsessive love and treason, and of an ancient evil that know no bounds.
Soon the universe itself will be rocked by war…
A war between three angelic brothers…
A war fought for the greatest prize in the universe…
The war for the race of men.
In this first book in The Chronicles of Brothers Series, author Wendy Alec has taken on one very ambitious task—to tell the tale of Lucifer’s fall, starting with the relationship he had with God and his brothers before his treason, and taking us through a partial history of mankind and the workings of angels (good and evil) in its midst. Her descriptions of what she calls “The first heaven” where God and all of the angelic hosts reside are fantastical and it was a whole lot of fun to get inside an angelic perspective.
In the beginning, the realistic, conservative Baptist part of me had a hard time getting into the book, because I kept stopping to mentally question things. For example, I’d wonder why Xacheriel, one of heaven’s twenty-four ancient kings, needed a monocle. After all, a monocle would suggest impaired vision—something I wouldn’t think anyone would suffer from in heaven. However, once I was able to remind myself that this was a fun, fiction book and not doctrine, I was able to enjoy the lovable bearded elder, who nods off during worship, drops his monocle in his soup and frequently declares, “Oh drat and bumble,” in frustration.
I think anyone who enjoys a good Fantasy or even Science Fiction book would like The Fall of Lucifer. And when the book leaves you hanging at the end, you’ll want to read Book 2, Messiah.
Reviewed by Janet Rubin
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