Sing: A Novel of Colorado (The Homeward Trilogy)
Lisa T. Bergren
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: David C. Cook; New edition (April 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1434767078
It’s 1886 and the St. Clairs are living out their dreams in three very separate parts of the world—Paris, Brazil and Colorado. And while each has found a measure of success and joy, each are haunted by past sins and secrets. As they face the biggest challenges of their lives—including facing off with an old enemy—each must discover the power of homecoming, and what it means to sing praises to God, even in the midst of loss.
Review :~
Anyone who has read a book by Lisa Bergren knows one thing ~ writing is her gift! Her second Homeward Trilogy novel delves deeper into the life of Moria St. Claire, a beautiful and talented opera singer whose life suddenly takes a turn for the worse and she begins to make choices that diminish her talent and compromise her integrity. As always, Lisa's characters are multi-dimensional, authentic and honest in thoughts and emotions. Moira's journey easily translates to the contemporary world as she struggles with reality of her failed hopes. Her siblings, Odessa and Nic, also feature and Lisa's pre-eminent talent ensures that despite alternating between continents and characters, the reader is never lost or confused. Sing rises well above the standard historical romance and is a credit to the genre. I have no doubt that the final story, Claim be equally enjoyable.
Reviewed by: Rel Mollet
Bonus Review:
SING revolves around three sisters, but focuses mainly on Odessa and Moira St. Clair. Moira is a singer living in Paris. When she comes back to the states, she meets a man that takes her across the west as a singer, but he eventually abandons her with a baby on the way. She ends staying with her sister, Odessa, in Colorado. Meanwhile, in Colorado, there are rumors about gold being hidden. When Odessa is kidnapped by outlaws, she finds herself closer to the rumored gold than she expected.
This book was a wonderful read. It had a lot of adventure and kept you in suspense. I like the message that Lisa Bergren brings forth: you need to rely on God and trust in His timing.
I would highly recommend this book.
Reviewed by: Laura Porter
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