Enemies Among Us: A Novel
Bob Hamer
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Fidelis; 1 edition (March 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0805449787
Matt Hogan loves being an undercover FBI agent almost as much as he loves his wife, Caitlin. But when the daring-some would say reckless-G-Man totals two vehicles in his Beverly Hills pursuit of a fleeing Arab drug runner, he incurs the wrath of the Bureau's hierarchy. To avoid almost-certain suspension, he accepts a new assignment to track terrorist cell groups while posing as a volunteer at World Angel Clinic, a Christian ministry reaching out to injured Third World children. What Matt doesn't know is that the ripples of danger from this case will threaten not only his and Caitlin's life and happiness, but also the safety and security of the entire nation.
Love great action, a genuine hero and some nasty bad guys? Searching for an authentic, fascinating and thought provoking novel? Don't assume you can't have both as Bob Hamer's debut novel, Enemies Among Us, proves without question. Combine Robert Liparulo's dangerous escapades, Randy Singer's intrigue and Oliver North's credibility and there you will find Bob Hamer. This former marine and FBI agent turned writer, engages the reader from the first page, journeying with his character Matt Hogan, into the formidable and often precarious world of an undercover agent. Adventurous and often reckless, Matt Hogan is also a devoted husband and compassionate man, reflecting reality rather than Hollywood fantasy. Matt wrestles with the impact of his wife's faith upon his work and his own rejection of God in a manner that is refreshingly realistic. Bob skilfully provides a glimpse into the FBI including the mundane nature of paperwork, the cumbersome machinations of bureaucracy and sometimes dangerously ineffective personnel while maintaining interest in the story. If you enjoy a good dose of reality served up with your thriller, don't miss Enemies Among Us. With the door left wide open for a sequel, I can't wait to read more of what Bob has to offer.
Reviewed by: Rel Mollet
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