New Birth or Rebirth?: Jesus Talks with Krishna (Great Conversations)
by Ravi Zacharias
Hardcover: 96 pages
Publisher: Multnomah Books (June 17, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1590527259
Product Description:
Ultimate truth. The destiny of souls. The individual heart. Can Krishna and Jesus agree on anything?
This is what Subramaniam, a real-life Hindu of the twentieth century, wonders as he enters a fictitious conversation between two religious figures who have changed the lives of millions. As Jesus and Krishna respond to each other’s view of life and the afterlife, they speak words straight from the texts of Christianity and Hinduism and straight into the soul.
Subramaniam asks Jesus and Krishna hard questions about faith. Meanwhile, a fictional character, Richard, eavesdrops, asking himself the most important question of all:
Does it really matter what I believe?
My Review:
This 90 page novelette is packed with fascinating information. Subramaniam, a converted Hindu asks tough questions of the founders of the two faiths that he has embraced.
Zacharias has toned down the heavy teaching through the use of characters which makes it far more interesting to read than a text-book version of who believes what and how did those beliefs come into existence? I certainly feel like I got an education in the Hindu belief system.
As far as the fictional elements go, I wasn't swept away by the story, it reads like a vehicle to get the information out versus a developed character whose needs drive them.
Overall, if you are fascinated by different belief systems, or are a seeker of truth, this little book could really help turn a spotlight onto the distilled truth of two different faiths. It's a quick read so would be ideal for escapism as well.
Reviewed by: Kelly Klepfer
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