Christmas Jars
by Jason F. Wright
Published by Shadow Mountain
ISBN# 978-1-59038-481-7
122 Pages
Back Cover:
Hope Jensen is a young, single woman and an aspiring newspaper writer, and when she receives a much-needed but anonymous Christmas gift, she's determined to find her benefactor. That search leads her to an unusual family with a longstanding Christmas
tradition. Sensing a front-page feature article, Hope desperately wants to publish her story, but doing so would be a breach of trust. What she decides to do will change her life forever.
Destined to become a classic Christmas tale, Christmas Jars is a heartwarming story that will restore your faith in mankind and make you want to start your own Christmas Jar tradition.
Author Jason Wright captures the true Christmas spirit in this small but powerful book. The spirit of Christmas is LOVE. Love changes everything it touches. I received a copy of this book attached to a Christmas Jar this year. My family and I were deeply touched by this special gift. Love was put into this gift long before
it found it's way to me and my family. I was overwhelmed by the book "Christmas Jars", love does that to you. The Love of Christmas is a gift that keeps giving year after year.
After reading this book you will not look at jars the same way. Your family might decide to start your own Christmas Jar, mine is. I'm excited this book is soon to be a major motion picture; one I'm looking forward to seeing.
Reviewed by: Nora St.Laurent - Book Club Servant Leader
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