Vicious Cycle
By Terri Blackstock
Published by Zondervan
ISBN# 978-0310250678
336 Pages
Back Cover
When fifteen-year-old Lance Covington finds an abandoned baby in the backseat of a car, he knows she's the newborn daughter of a meth addict he's been trying to help. But when police arrest him for kidnapping, Lance is thrust into a criminal world of baby trafficking and drug abuse. His mother, Barbara, looks for help from Kent Harlan---the man whom she secretly, reluctantly loves and who once helped rescue her daughter from a mess of her own. Kent flies to her aid and begins the impossible work of getting Lance out of trouble, protecting a baby who has no home, and finding help for a teenage mother hiding behind her lies. In this latest novel of suspense and family loyalty, bestselling author Terri Blackstock offers a harrowing look at drug addiction, human trafficking, and the devastating choices that can change lives forever.
Terri Blackstock pens a compelling novel depicting the epidemic young people are faced with today. I was thankful to receive a review copy of this dramatic, suspenseful story that could be taken from headlines today.
Crystal meth devastates more than the addicts’ body it also destroys everything the addict touches. Edith appreciated her mom and her brother Lance’s support this year as she tried to get off a drug that controlled everything about her and learn how to make it in the world clean and sober. Her demons had laid low at New Hope regeneration center. She could be fooled to think they were gone for good; she knew better. Biggest thing she learned was that she needed God’s help more than ever. Graduation day was near and returning to familiar stomping grounds terrified her.
Edith prayed for a girl she met at New Hope named Jill. She was pregnant, 15 years old, and addicted to Crystal Meth. She left the center one day and never came back. Edith liked Jill and could see how she was distracted by her addict brother and mom who didn’t want her to get well.
Jill got high the day she got home. Her mom gave her some drugs to relieve the pain. She was in so much pain and there were blood on her sheets. What was happening to her? She focuses on the bed and sees a little baby. Her baby! She wraps it up on a town and calls for her mom who used to be a nurse. She begs to be brought to the hospital! Her mom refuses and tells her not to worry!
As soon as Jill looks into the eyes of this beautiful baby her heart wells up with love and she desires to do more for her than her own mother. She thought of New Hope and the help she would need to break the vicious cycle her family has been on. She hoped for a way to save her baby from the horrific life she’s lived.
Terri Blackstock reveals the realistic side of being an addict, and what it takes to break free of the addicted life. Shattering the cycle of addiction takes a supporting family, support group and most of all a personal relationship with Jesus. Terri Blackstock does a brilliant job of getting into the heart and mind of a user and how the drug controls them in every way. I like how this author doesn’t leave the reader there in despair but shows there is hope in the middle of what seems an impossible situation. The addict and their family can celebrate recovery one day at a time with God’s help. This is a powerful book. I highly recommend reading this series! I’m looking forward to reading Terri’s next book.
Reviewed by: Nora St.Laurent The Book Club Network
Finding Hope Through Fiction
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