Writing to a Post-Christian World
By Ann Tatlock
Published by Lighthouse Publishing
Know your audience.
For the Christian writer today, this first rule of writing is imperative. Not only do you need to have something to say, but you need to know who's out there listening.
Over the past 50 years, our culture has undergone a monumental shift, pulling people into a whole new way of thinking. Gone is the idea that absolutes exist, to be replaced by the belief that everything is relative….including truth.
So what is truth today? Anything you want it to be. All paths lead to God. It doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you are sincere. Such thinking lies at the heart of our post-Christian, postmodern culture.
How do we as Christian writers respond to such a mindset? How do we present the one true Truth to a culture that celebrates diversity? In this concise, easy-to-read book, Ann Tatlock answers these questions and more:
* What is a biblical worldview?
* What is The Great Literary Conversation?
* How has relativism affected our culture?
* How has relativism affected the Church?
* What is postmodern literature?
* What is our greatest task as Christian writers?
I prefer fiction to non-fiction, since I'm not the brainiest of writers. But from the first paragraph, I was drawn into Tatlock's book. Written with a flowing narrative, she sprinkles in highlightable truths that resonated with the fiction-writer within. This was stuff I needed to know. I love how she used anecdotes to illustrate her points, making them "stick. " Not only did I devour the book, I learned. It's a must read for any Christian author. Novel Rocket and I give it a very high recommendation.
Reviewed by: Ane Mulligan, V.P./Sr. editor
Novel Rocket
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