The Deepest Waters
By Dan Walsh
Published by Revell
300 Pages
Back Cover:
What began as a fairytale honeymoon in 1857 for John and Laura Foster aboard the steamship SS Vandervere becomes a nightmare when a hurricane causes their ship to sink into the murky depths of the Atlantic. Laura finds herself with the other women and children aboard a sailing ship while John and a hundred other men drift on the open sea on anything they could grab as the Vandervere went down. Suspecting her John is gone but still daring to hope for a miracle, Laura must face the possibility of life alone--and meeting her new in-laws without their son if she ever reaches New York.
REVIEW: I was thankful to receive a review copy of such a heart-wrenching story of faith, hope and unconditional love. Set in 1845 when men were gentlemen and women were ladies. It was a time when ocean liners were fun and luxurious to ride on. Newlyweds John and Laura Foster were embarking on their new life together aboard the SS Vandervere for the most romantic honeymoon voyage ever. All was wedded bliss until tragedy strikes the ocean liner! The SS Vandervere is damaged beyond repair! With only hours before the ship is swallowed up by the sea decisions have to be made.
Visions of the movie Titanic rushed through my mind as I read of this horrific scene. Unlike the Titanic the SS Vandervere had life boats, unfortunately not enough to save everyone on board. Quickly women and children are loaded onto the life boats and separated from the men they love.
My heart hurt for John, Laura and the other families separated from their loved ones. I was inspired by these characters faith, honesty and love for one another. This was a captivating epic love story! It’s an honest story that touches your heart and soul!
I enjoyed how Dan Walsh gave the reader the inside scoop of life on the SS Vandervere and how life was lived in 1857. I appreciate the picture of the ship in the forward to the book that named all the parts of the SS Vandervere. It was really helpful especially for someone like me who doesn't know anything about boats. It helped me imagine what was happening on the boat and where exactly on the ship events took place. This was a moving larger-than-life story. I was inspired as I read about these characters holding out for God’s best for them, whatever that may be. This novel would make a great movie. I enjoyed Dan Walsh’s other books the Unfinished Gift and the Homecoming, and The Deepest Waters was no exception. . I look forward to reading Dan’s next book which is a Christmas story.
Reviewed by: Nora St.Laurent
The Book Club Network
Finding Hope Through Fiction
This sounds wonderful - this is a new title to me. I have always been fascinated with the Titanic and this reminds me too of the sorrow that surrounded that voyage.
Hi, Sheila;
Yes, Dan does a wonderful job of capturing the whole experience, the good, the bad and the triumphs! He takes you through a wide range of emotions!
You'll definately enjoy it!
Nora :D
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