I’m So Sure
By Jenny B. Jones
Published By Thomas Nelson
312 Pages
Back Cover:
Think you're having a rough week? Bella's step dad, a semi-pro wrestler, just signed the entire family up for a reality TV show. Bella's first thought: Kill. Me. Now.
Living in Truman, Oklahoma wasn't 100% miserable for Bella. Sure, she misses Manhattan, couture clothes, and her dad. But she was making new friends at Truman High and almost enjoying her work at the school newspaper. Then the whole stepdad-wrestler-reality-show issue hit and her life is now being splashed across weekly tabloids and broadcast news.
As if having a camera crew following her around isn't bad enough, Bella soon discovers a conspiracy against the Truman High prom queen candidates. And the closer she gets to the answer, the more danger she's in.
As her relationship with Luke teeters between friendship and romance, Bella's ex-boyfriend Hunter reappears and vies for Bella's attention. Denying allegations of a love triangle, working to solve the prom queen mystery, and trying to keep her cool on national television finally motivate Bella to start talking--and listening--to God more
I was thrilled to receive a review copy of the sequel to So Not Happening, which I loved. This is youth fiction at its finest. Reading one of Jenny B. Jones’s books puts a smile on my face and makes me feel good all over.
Bella is in high school and had her life turned upside down in book one, when her mom marries a semi-pro wrestler and they move to Truman, Oklahoma...a far cry from New York. Bella’s mom met this Christian man on-line and has moved to live in a small town in the big woods. What was her mom thinking?
In I’m So Sure, Bella is still adjusting to her new home, step dad and her step brothers. Bella still flies to N.Y. to spend time with her dad in Manhattan on weekends, but things are starting to get weird at her dads. Bella’s father has a steady girlfriend who has a daughter a little younger than herself. Why is her dad falling for this woman?
Weird could be used to describe life in Truman, Oklahoma too. Her step dad, the semi-pro wrestler, has just entered the family into a reality T.V. show contest. If their family is picked, cameras will be following them around everywhere. What was her step dad thinking?
Strange things have also started to happen at Truman High School! The schools prom money has disappeared and no one knows how. Or who took it for that matter. How would they have a prom?
Luke, the editor of the school newspaper, tells Bella the prom story is his and to back off! She needs to focus on the jobs for teen’s article! Bella promises Luke she would stay away from doing any investigating in the prom story. But Bella can’t stop the people that come up to her to help them in finding school funds. Can she?
This author had me laugh out loud so hard I almost dropped my book. I lost it when Jenny describes the different jobs Bella worked at to write the teen job article. Bella stayed at the job long enough to be trained and get the feel of what was required of her in that position. This part was hysterical, I can’t believe the jobs Bella had and the mishaps she had on her jobs. Bella learned to be thankful for these experiences. She discovered jobs she never wanted to do again. Bella wasn’t laughing when some of these embarrassing mishap moments were caught on film by the T.V. realty show and shown to the entire world. OHMYGOSH!
I can’t wait to read the third and final book in this series called, So Over My Head. Can’t wait to see what Bella Kirkwood is up to next and what crazy, spontaneous, fun adventure she will take us on. Thanks Jenny, for bringing a smile to my face, laughter in my heart and funny stories to share about Bella with my family and friends.
Reviewed by: Nora St.Laurent
The Book Club Network
1 comment:
Thank you, Nora, for the kind review. Totally blessed me.
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