Worth a Thousand Words, Jubilant Soul Series #2
By: Stacy Hawkins Adams
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Vendor: Revell
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 0800732677
Product Description:
Life has always gone Indigo Burns's way. She's smart, pretty, and talented, and she knows exactly what she wants. A photography internship at her hometown's local newspaper is the next step in her well-laid plans for her future. But her long-term goals are put to the test when her boyfriend Brian proposes--two years before he's supposed to and in front of all the guests at her college graduation party. Too concerned about his feelings to say no, she heartily agrees, but inside she's cringing.
Indigo knows in her heart that she's not prepared to sacrifice her dreams to become Brian's wife--not before she has achieved any of them. Will she find the answers among family and friends in Jubilant, Texas? Or will the picture-perfect life she dreams of be left behind?
I’ve never read anything by Stacy Hawkins Adams before this book. While reading this “slice of live” story I soon discovered what a honest and deep thinker this author is.
In her book Pastor Taylor, says this to a gathering, “We want God to fix things, or grant our desires, but we want Him to do it in the way that we think is best. We want the answer now, in the fashion that we’ve decided would be perfect. Am I telling the truth?”
Ouch, sometimes the truth hurts. I’ve felt this in my life at one point. Another character says, “Sometimes God leads us to the foreign land so we can take our eyes off of ourselves and our drama, and focus on Him.” I’ll Amen this one. Yes, I’ve experienced this too.
This story delves into the life of Indigo Burns, who is young and on the brink of having hear dreams come true. Her life has suddenly been filled with so many enticing choices. What to do? Is she supposed to throw her dreams away for someone else’s? She struggles to do the right thing in her life.
Another character says to Indigo,” The key is to keep prayer at the forefront of every decision. If God gives you a peace about the choices you’re making, then it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Have you prayed about this Indigo?”
She had to admit she hadn’t. I like how Stacy shows a slice of life where a young person is trying to walk out this Christian life in a very natural way. It’s not preachy or over the top church drama. It’s just gut level honest and innocent at times.
I also like how this author shows young people struggling but desiring to do what they feel God wants them to. “Learn how to thrive despite life’s challenges. I’ve learned that sometimes the turns we didn’t anticipate can lead us to our biggest blessings.” Indigo stops and really thinks about this one when life takes a sudden unexpected turn.
I was pleasantly surprised by Worth a Thousand Words. This story is honest, refreshing, revealing, intriguing, and it allows the reader to evaluate if they earnestly seek God for the decisions in their life or do they tell God how it’s going to go and seek His blessings on the plan they’ve come up with. You’ll want to read this story to discover how Stacy Hawkins Adams brings up this issue and many more inside this revealing book.
Reviewed by: Nora St. Laurent
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