Shepherd's Fall
By W.L. Dyson
Published by Waterbrook
ISBN# 1-4000-7473-8
214 Pages
Back Cover:
Bounty hunter Nick Shepherd, is fearless when it comes to chasing criminals. It's his difficult ex-wife, rebellious teenage daughter and dysfunctional siblings that keep him awake at night.
In charge of the family business, the Prodigal Recovery Agency, he thinks of himself as a shepherd of sorts.
When his "flock" is out of his control, Nick's well-ordered universe unravels.
Prodigal Recovery's search for Zeena, a prostitute on the run, leads to a faulty arrest, complicating Nick's business. He is thrown together with Zeena's twin, the beautiful Annie, and the two find themselves on a desperate search. The stakes significantly increase when Nick's daughter is kidnapped.
To save someone he loves, Nick must risk everything...but will it be enough? In her latest romantic suspense novel, W.L. Dyson entices readers with her unique blend of faith, romance and intrigue for an unforgettable ride.
W.L. Dyson has penned a story full of police action and suspense, interwoven with the theme of family. How do these police - bounty hunter type men - do family and how do the woman in their lives make them or break them?
Nick is the firstborn in their family, which means his father has left him in charge of their family business - bounty hunting. His father, Nickolas Shepherd, has left one-third of the business to each of his three children: Marti, Steve and Nick. Things haven't been the same since pop died. Their mom is sick and Nick, along with his siblings, are doing all they can to keep the business afloat.
Nick has been all consumed with the business to the extent of neglecting his own family. His wife has divorced him - she couldn't wait on Nick forever - she had a life to live. Nick's daughter is trying to get his attention by breaking the law - maybe she could see her dad that way. He's missed all her school functions - maybe he'll show up to bail her out. Nick is furious that Krystal has shoplifted. But, she reminds him that he hasn't been there for her. Krystal thinks to herself, "The only time they acted like parents was when she got into trouble." She had finally found what would get their attention and some love. Nick began thinking "no wonder God didn't answer his prayers anymore. He's done the same thing with God (as he had done with his family). He just lived his life his way, and expected God to be there to handle the things he didn't want to deal with. …Never listened to God; never considered God's opinions. God, do this, God, do that." That's no way to live. No wonder his wife divorced him and his daughter has rebelled. Nick struggles with "how" to do family on all fronts -- from his ex-wife, his daughter, his brother Steve, and Marti, his sister. Everyone wanted more from him. He was failing everywhere and everyone; even failing to hold the business together.
It took the kidnapping of his daughter to bring life as he's known it, to a screeching halt. What's important in life anyway? Nick faces the biggest challenge of his life so far, and clearly sees what is very important in his life -"family". This is such a high price to pay for his blunder.
But, now he knows that in order in insure his daughters safety, he has to work as a team with his family. Can he do this? He'll die trying!! You will definitely want to read how this ends.
Reviewed by: Nora St.Laurent - Book Club Servant Leader