The Desires of Her Heart (Texas: Star of Destiny, Book 1)
by Lyn Cote (Author)
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Avon Inspire (February 10, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0061373419
Product Description:
A New Orleans lady and a half-breed frontiersman become unlikely allies as they travel the wilds of Texas.
In 1821, when circumstances make it impossible for her to remain in New Orleans, Dorritt and her family head west to join Stephen Austin's settlement and recoup their fortune in Texas.
Quinn is a man of the frontier who has made a name for himself as a peerless scout. But as he and Dorritt's party begin a grueling trek across untamed Texas, the success of their journey is in grave doubt. Mexico has broken with the Spanish Crown, and armies from both countries—plus marauding Comanches—roam the pine forests and prairies. And one of the party is plotting destruction.
Now, with their lives joined in a virgin land fraught with peril, can Dorritt and Quinn put all their trust in God and receive the desires of their hearts?
My Review:
Once again, another wonderful historical romance from Avon Inspire. I love everything they are putting out without fail. This was my first opportunity to read Lyn Cote and I know she has many more titles available. I look forward to reading more of her novels in the future.
The Desires of Her Heart is a story in the category of Tracey Bateman, Tamera Alexander, Janette Oke, Lori Wick, and Tracie Peterson's hearts on paper. It is the first in the Texas: Star of Destiny series and I definitely look forward to the next few titles in the series.
I felt that the book did not end at a complete close, but that is my preference I suppose. It did have a perfect setup for the next novel, but I am impatient and want answers now. On a flaw point, just on a random note. There were many of the earlier chapters while traveling they were herding the cattle, but then about halfway on the journey it was strange that all of the sudden the cattle were never mentioned again... That stuck out to me and lost a little bit of the experience.
Overall, the story was a great adventure. I knew how I wanted to characters to end up, but was fully kept guessing up to the last pages. The protagonists are extremely lovable, and as a reader, I felt myself even drawn to some characters that I would not have imagined that I could feel anything for much less to appreciate. The "bad people" were really bad, and as per usually the "good" had much better behavior than what was in my heart.
The author is completely able to pull you in and really make you feel what is going on in the story and that is the kind of novel that I like and cannot put down. I read this book in a day and a half, because I was unable to put it down. I just had to know what would come next.
Quite the adventure from Louisiana to Texas, and to understand how much so, you really need to get yourself a copy to read. It's a keeper for me.
Reviewed by: Margaret Chind
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