by Jerry B. Jenkins
Paperback: 544 pages
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers; Reprint edition (December 29, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1414309198
Product Description:
Raised in a dingy trailer park, Brady Wayne Darby has only a death sentence to show for his sad, sorry life. But when weary man of God Thomas Carey meets this no-account with nothing left to lose, the seismic wave of rebirth and redemption will shake a state---and the nation---to the core!
Jesus Paid it all!
All to Him I owe!
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow!
When is the last time you wept over the wonderful work of grace Christ completed on the cross? How long has it been since you felt led to pray for the lost and had an urgency to tell others of Christ? If your spirit is longing for a fresh touch from God and a closer relationship with Christ, then you need to read Jerry B. Jenkins latest novel, Riven. You will never be the same again!
Riven takes the reader on a journey with two very different men; Thomas Carey and Brady Darby. From vastly different worlds, one a preacher and one a burned-out teen – both are struggling to find the place that they belong, and both are denied their dreams because of unfair judgment passed upon them by the opinions of others who refuse to accept them as they are. Law versus Grace and both meet with a host of disappointment time and time again. BUT, God’s ways are so much higher than ours!!
At the point that Brady Darby’s life intersects with Thomas Carey, both men are broken, wounded and struggling with doubt and unbelief. Thomas Carey knows he is God’s servant, but his lack of impact upon the lives of the inmates he serves as the supermax prison chaplain has him in the grip of depression and doubt. Brady Darby, knows he deserves death for his crime, but struggles with the fact that he faces eternity in hell. When Thomas is obedient to God and shares the gospel with Brady, God opens the doors of heaven and pours out His blessing in the most profound and unusual way you can imagine! The results are incredible and eternal!
I cannot begin to express to you the deep impact this book has made upon my heart! Although I have read many great books this past year, Riven is by far the most powerful, most beautiful, most heart-felt story of them all!! EVERYONE should read this book! Look upon the cross with fresh understanding, renewed hope and glorious praise for all that Christ has done to redeem sinners!! READ THIS BOOK!!! Your life will be forever changed!!!
Reviewed by: Kim Ford
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