Par for the Course
Ray Blackston
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: FaithWords (February 12, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446178152
Publisher: FaithWords (February 12, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446178152
Book Copy:
Sparks fly when Ray Blackson returns with his trademark quirky sense of humor. Golf, politics, and romance collide in PAR FOR THE COURSE as golf range owner Chris Hackett meets an attractive political correspondent who turns his world upside down.
In PAR FOR THE COURSE, Chris Hackett owns and operates Hack's Golf Learning Center, an eccentric golf range in Charleston, SC. Chris jumps at the chance to step up his game when an attractive new student and political correspondent, Molly, suggests that Chris capitalize on the current, highly polarized, presidential election. This pitting of right versus left means even more income, plus a sharp new girlfriend, and soon Chris, his sidekick, Cack, and their unique golf range are the talk of the town . . . until someone takes the political insults too seriously. Will Molly stick around as Chris learns the true meaning of "playing politics"? And will Chris realize how much he wants her to?
My Review:
I'm not a big golf fan. Ha. I don't even get the game though I was actually on my high school golf team for a week. But that's a whole nother story. And, no way can I tell it like Ray Blackston could.
I don't much care for political maneuvering either. So you'd think this would not be a book high on my list of recommended reads.
Ray Blackston can tell a heck of a story. I love his voice. Par is first person lad-lit in a charming, almost ADD meandering walk through poor Chris Hackett's life as he encounters drama, crisis and women.
My husband picked up Par within hours of its arrival at the house. He devoured it and asked if I had any more Blackston books. I produced Flabbergasted and Pagan's Nightmare from the bookshelf which he then devoured as well. Did I mention that he laughed out loud? He did, at very annoying times while I was trying to sleep. Based on his response, I had high expectations when I finally got my hands on Par. I was not disappointed.
If you love quirk, charm and off-the-wall humor with a dash of sweetness, I think you'll love Par. I did.
Reviewed by: Kelly Klepfer
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