A Bride Most Begrudging
by Deeanne Gist
Bethany House Publishers (July, 2005)
ISBN: 0764200720
Reviewed by Michelle Therese
When Lady Constance Morrow finds herself held against her will aboard a ship bound for the American colonies, a ship filled with "tobacco brides" and felons, she is quite sure that as soon as she arrives she will find a reasonable man who will believe her father is an earl and send her back on the next ship to England. Instead she meets Drew O’Connor, a determined Colonial farmer who is nearly as headstrong as she is. Drew wins Constance as his bride but soon realizes he has taken on much more than he bargained for.
I found the subject matter of this book (a forced marriage under dreadful circumstances) extremely captivating. How does one who has full marriage rights grow to love a stranger enough to want to be married to them in all ways? The tension in this story was highly believable and exciting to read. A real page turner. The historical element and Constance's bumblings at trying to be a good colonial wife was thoroughly intriguing and very sympathetic. I felt like I was in the colonies with her and couldn't stop reading. I was so glad when the couple finally admitted their feelings to each other, but then I wanted to slap Drew for thinking it best for her to be shipped back to England where she'd be "happier." I wanted to cry with Constance when Drew started avoiding her and refusing to get close. How painful and real. I won't say anymore or it may spoil some of the details for the reader. Overall this was a satisfying read with a wonderfully written spiritual element and moving romance theme. I'd love to see more books published by this author.
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