*Paperback: 320 pages
*Publisher: Navpress
*March 5, 2006
*ISBN: 1576839265
Book Description:
Callously passed from relative to relative, 9-year-old orphan Mara takes comfort in her imagination---especially playing Nancy Drew with her best friend, Camilla. But some mysteries seem unsolvable. Who is her mother? Why won't the neighborhood bully leave her alone? Can she endure the heartache of a shattered childhood and begin again, with God's help?
Reviewed by Michelle Therese
More than just a novel...it's a masterpiece. This story gripped me from page one. At first, you wonder how anything good could come from something so bad. And though good things (per se)didn't come, Mara did find love in this world. She learned to trust, found strength despite her traumatic past, and discovered who she was by novel's end. This story will make you think more, want to love more, seek God more and most of all, will leave you with a sense of completion and satisfaction.
I was sad when the story ended, but am ecstatic that a sequel is coming out called Wishing on Dandelions. If it's half as good as the first, it's still superior to many books on the market today. In my mind this story is a classic just like To Kill A Mockingbird and is a must read for someone who wants to escape to another time and place. Since I grew up in the 1970's, it was especially nostalgic for me. I kept picturing myself as Mara at her age.I felt for her and wanted someone to come to her rescue and fill the void inher life. Beautiful story. Wonderfully written. Life-changing. A must read!
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