The Sword
By: Bryan M. Litfin
Published by Crossway Publishers
ISBN# 978-143350925-4
412 Pages
Back Cover:
Four hundred years after a deadly virus and nuclear war destroy the modern world, the kingdom of Chiveis emerges---where the people live a medieval lifestyle with little knowledge of the "ancient" world. What will happen when a young army scout stumbles across a strange book called the Bible---in a place where Christianity is long forgotten!
“Twenty-four-hundredth year after Jesus Christ, a strange situation had emerged. The world of cars and guns and computers had become, once more, a world of horses and swords and scrolls. History had been rewound and was playing itself out all over again.
In this ancient-future world, one particular people united themselves under a king and called their realm Chivels. The Chieisis also had their own religion: they worshiped four main gods under the guidance of a high priestess.”
Bryan M. Litfin creates a world four hundred years after a virus and nuclear war destroy it. It’s a fascinating look at a “what if” scenario - what if life as we’ve come to know it ends? Bryan’s characters gripped my heart and definitely made me think about God’s word in a whole new way. I was quickly drawn into this suspenseful narrative filled with action, adventure and a compelling storyline that kept me engaged and caring for the characters and their situation until the end.
Teo and Ana find a treasure, called the Sacred Writings. Teo has heard of these ancient writings and knows how to translate them into his tongue. These writings become a light that shines into the hearts and minds of the people he reads them to. God starts His work where two or more are gathered in His name. This is powerful stuff. God (who they call Deu) becomes more real to them than any of the four God’s they’ve grown up with. It's amazing and scary to them.
“Maurice Teo’s mentor says, 'Deu is the all-creator. He’s not a God to be manipulated by rituals and good deeds and token offerings. He makes the plans; your place is to heed them…Teo, I think you have to let Deu be the God He is, not the God you want Him to be.'”
Bryan shows the dark side of the high priestess, religion and how people get caught in the powers of darkness. The Sword is the first in a trilogy. Bryan concludes his book with you wanting to learn more about this colorful cast of characters and wondering about their next adventure. The sequel is scheduled to be released April 2011.
Reviewed by: Nora St.Laurent
ACFW Book Club Coordinator
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