By Virginia Smith
Published by Revell
ISBN# 978-0-8007-3234-9
327 Pages
Back Cover:
Tori Sanderson has the professional opportunity of a lifetime. If she can prove she’s executive material, she’s in line for a big promotion. But there’s only room for one new account executive and her co-worker has his eye on the job…and on Tori. How can she consider romance when she couldn’t hold on to the one man who was supposed to love her forever—her own father?
The time has come for answers, and Tori decided to search for the father who deserted her twelve years ago. Will she find the answers she craves? And will she ever be able to love again?
Virginia Smith’s Sister to Sister series has been entertaining, hilarious and in parts filled with fun tender moments you’ll enjoy and parts that really make you think about relationships and God. Each one of the books in the Sister to Sister series concentrates on one of the Sanderson sisters. The first book Stuck in the Middle, is written in the point of view of Joan-the middle sister. Age Before Beauty, is about Allie, the oldest sister and in Third Times a Charm is about the youngest sister Tori Sanderson.
Tori is the sister who is on the fast track to success. The way she dresses, her strong work ethic and commitment is all done in the hopes of obtaining the coveted position as a marketing executive.
Climbing the ladder to success isn’t easy. Tori’s in competition with Mark for this promotion. If he wins she’ll work for him, but if she wins, he’ll work for her. This whole thing is uncomfortable because Mark has made sexual advances toward her. She’s not sure what to do. It’s awkward
As the demands of this promotion become clear, Tori starts to look at the important things in her sister’s lives and their happiness. This makes her start to rethink a few things. Could she balance career, and family? Where did love fit in her life if she took this very demanding career? Tori realizes there might be more important things in life than working 24/7. Having time for family and fun is very important. It’s the little things in life that make it worth living.
Virginia Smith says, “We have a very real Heavenly Father who will go to extreme measures to let us know how much he loves us. I pray you’ve felt that love as you read Third Times a Charm.”
The author conveys this message and so much more in all three of the books. Thanks Virginia for the review copy of this book. I enjoyed hanging out with the Sanderson sisters and their other family members.
Reviewed by: Nora St.Laurent
ACFW Book Club Coordinator