Straight Up
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: WaterBrook Press
ISBN: 1578568862
"After her father's death, jazz virtuoso Georgia Bishop throws away her marriage and a promising musical career for the bottle. Her cousin Fairly Godfrey, also grieving, fills the emptiness by living the high life in New York. Can a Congo refugee, soul food chef, and persistent husband bring the two women to the brink of healing?"
Reviewed by: Gina Holmes:
Since I've discovered Christian fiction, I've been hearing that I need to read Lisa Samson. That she's about the best CBA has to offer. So, when the opportunity came to review her latest release, I practically snatched it from Ane Mulligan's hand, spittle flying from my lips as I laughed greedily. Ane just wrinkled her nose in disgust and went to find a napkin.
What stood out at first was the beauty of Ms. Samson's prose. Absolutely amazing wordsmithing. Her metaphors are fresh and evocative. Once I got over the lovely writing, I began to appreciate the realness of the characters. Lisa didn't sugar-coat their failings and insecurities. These are people I can relate to. I think we all can.
I stayed up into the wee hours to finish this novel because I had to know what choices these folks would make. While I wondered about them, somehow Ms. Samson had me questioning what choices I would make in my own life and how the consequences would affect my future and those who love me. Straight Up has me clinging to grace in a way I've always longed to.
The cheapest therapy I've ever had.
Straight Up had me laughing and crying within the same paragraph. This is truly a work of art, both because of it's literary merit and because it does what a great novel should ... cause the reader self-examination.
Do I recommend this book? Straight up!
Great review, Gina. I'm going to have to read it now. :o)
I loved that one. Unfortunately, I got a galley so it was bulky as all get-out to read. Wonderfully edgy story! And the cool thing is Lisa Samson had my review up on her website, too. She was glad I liked her book. Can you believe it? Just little old me. :)
What a beautiful review! Thanks so much Gina. It is always nice for people to discover what many of us have known all along. Jeane
Thank you so much, Gina, not just for the review but for taking the time to read the book!
Great review of a great book!
Lisa is awesome. And you get 50 points for making me laugh with your spittle-and-napkin routine. :)
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